Vicki L Kopack

Vickie and Robert - April 5, 2003

Alee's Wedding - April 5, 2003
Vicki is Darlene's oldest daughter. She is married to Robert and they have a son Brandon and a daughter Courtney. More pictures of them will follow. For now, know that Vicki, her husband and especially our grandchildren, bring great joy to our lives. And it was Brandon who named the grandparents, Gammer and Gamper. I hope more picture are forthcomming.

The Kopack's - Christmas 2000

Kopack's - Christmas 2000

Courtney's 10th Birthday - January 21, 2006

The Princess
Miss Courtney, her mom (Vickie), her Aunt (Karen) and Gammer (Darlene), all went out for a day of pampering. But first the corination ceremony official photo.

Brandon and Courtney May 2003

Brandon May 2003 Courtney May 2003

Brandon and Courtney - March 2001

Brandon March 2001 Courtney March 2001

Brandon and Courtney - Christmas 1999

Brandon and Courtney Kopack - Christmas 99