Building Fund Letter

My Brother,

Once again, Lakewood Lodge reaches out to you. Not as before, not for survival, but rather, to complete the great task you set before it. Lakewood Lodge is now without a true home of its own, yet it still lives, breaths and is more vibrant than ever before. I say "it", because it truly has a life of its own. As each of us passed through its symbolic outer door, we each left a part of our lives behind. Memories of a smile, a greeting, a piece of work well done, the sound of the funeral bell stroking the twelfth chime; these are not stored in the edifice but in the hearts and souls of those men who entered, sat and felt the life and love within. The officers, brothers and visitors make up the corporeal part of its life and our memories complete the spiritual aspects of the living, breathing entity we call Lakewood Lodge #174. To save the soul, we were forced to sell the edifice. Now is the time to build our new home. We have the land, we have people, we have the love and determination to make it happen. Now we need you!

"Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.". Lakewood Lodge now knocks, open the door and extend the hand of brotherly love. "They applying to me as such and I finding them worthy, so far as their necessities may seem to require or my ability to give will permit." will dictate the amount you give and how often. Individual one time gifts are greatly appreciated but recurring monthly donations will go a long way in establishing the date when again you can enter and join with brothers. Remember, there are no strangers in lodge, only brothers you haven't met.